Pause, Rest, Slow and Connect…..

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat

match the beat of the universe,

to match your nature with Nature.”

—Joseph Campbell

Presence ~ Body & Mind ~ Stillness ~ Calm ~

Presence ~ Body & Mind ~ Stillness ~ Calm ~


Stillness, Silence & Breath

Being able to sit in stillness and silence and listen to what is around you and within you is an art and one that builds with practice.

There are many tools to help you achieve this -

We focus on

  • Relaxations and Stillness

  • Meditation and gratitude practices

  • Earthing/Grounding techniques

  • Breath work.

Living our life with presence.

Finding our own stillness and calm.

Releasing yesterday and not obsessing about tomorrow.

Embracing today, this moment.

Increasing our awareness, our sense of feeling, listening

and being able to see with our heart.

Connecting with Nature

It only takes a short while when immersed in Nature, to feel your breath beginning to slow down and to feel like you have stepped out of the busyness of life and the stressors that this brings.

Connecting with Nature is more than a hike or a walk, which often has a specified destination; its more about learning how to be with nature, observing, being curious, building a relation, with no pre destined outcome and simply noticing what is happening for you at that time.

As technology has advanced, our connections have faded; including connections with our natural world, our family, our community and connection with our true selves.

Spending time in Nature feels like coming home!

Weekend Retreat ~ Nature & Meditation ~ Sandsend, Whitby ~April 2026- Bookings open now ~

Weekend Retreat ~ Nature & Meditation ~ Sandsend, Whitby ~April 2026- Bookings open now ~


So often we forget to take time to rest our minds

When was the last time that you really rested? Switched your mind away from life challenges and stressors, the anxieties and fears?

EcoNIDRA is a deeply relaxing practice for both your mind and body. It is the voice that reconnects as it guides you through a triple journey; A journey through your senses, your body and through the earth.

It’s a time for pause, for rest and to reconnect with the planet, the earth and with your inner true nature.

This can be accessed both in person and also from your own home

- a true gift to yourself.

Presence ~ Body & Mind ~ Stillness ~ Calm ~

Presence ~ Body & Mind ~ Stillness ~ Calm ~

Holding Space…..


Many of the people that I work with are counsellors, healthcare providers, care givers and therapists. These are people that are always being there for somebody or everybody else - however who is there for you? Who holds space for you?

These sessions are designed to give you space to be listened to, heard, witnessed. To hold discussions, bounce ideas or launch new projects. They are a space for you to continue to develop, grow and gently remember and align to your core values and beliefs.

Coaching and Mentoring- these are offered on a 1-1 basis - to help you bring more stillness and calm in your life. To develop your own personalised practise and to explore your hearts desires.

Other Services



Day & Weekend Retreats

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Nature Writing

Exploring our inner and outer landscapes

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Self Care

Honouring your true nature

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Meditation Training

Certified Teacher Training

Contact Me

Nature Notes Podcast

Bringing you conversations and musings on nature, nature based therapies, our relations and connections and how these relate to our own inner essence and coming home to ourselves.

Each month we have a different guest speaker.

You can access them via Spotify.

Nature Notes: Articles & Musings


The Science - articles, studies and benefits

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Managing Stress in Nature

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Circadian Rhythm and Earthing

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Sitting in Nature

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Kind Words

Quiet Parks International

This year we are proud to be supporting QPI through donations.

QPI is an all-volunteer organization.

“If you love quiet and sounds of nature, please donate. Quiet is a fast depleting resource. And if we don’t do something to protect it now, it will much harder in future to regain what we have lost.”